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Category: CMO Perspectives

59 blogs
Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (1st December, 2016)

Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (1st December, 2016)

This is probably our last #CMO Perspectives for 2017, and we are delighted to share with you some great pieces that every customer experience and customer service centric CMO should read. Including; Jay Baer on why social customer service is critical; Michael Brenner for Digitlistmag.com on the ‘publish or perish’ attitude to content marketing; Sandra Peterson for Absolutdata on making analytics your secret weapon; 12 things your customers wish you knew about them, an infographic published by Mycustomer.com; and our tweet of the week from @SFinneganIE with a list of the 50 most innovative CMOs in the world. Enjoy!

Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (21st October, 2016)

In this week’s CMO Perspectives it is painfully apparent that the need to understand and embrace technology, analytics and big data will lead the charge between what makes a successful CMO and the ones left behind; We feature Avi Dan for Forbes on why many CMOs will fail in the era of Big Data. Jennifer Lonoff Schiff [CIO.com] lists 3 of 7 attributes of successful CMOs relating to big data and technology; While our Tweet of the Week is from @MargaretMolloy tweeting about the #CMOclubsummit, with a great Jon Landau quote, “Technology doesn’t make bad content good.”

Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (30th September, 2016)

In this week’s CMO Perspectives Vala Afshar for Huffingtonpost looks at Brian Solis’s 2016 State of Digital Transformation; Steve Olenski for Forbes tells us what a CMO can learn from millennial entrepreneurs; Kimberly A. Whitler succinctly explains the different skill sets of a customer-centric marketer; Clickz shares with us some important customer services updates to Twitter; Jeff Rajeck for eConsultancy.com lists 5 things marketers can do to improve CX; And finally, our tweet of the week is from @GuyAGold who rightly says that the modern CMO is always thinking about #social #marketing #apps. ABSOLUTELY!
Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (5th September, 2016)

Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (5th September, 2016)

Summer holidays are wrapping up for almost everyone around the northern parts of the world. Which means back to business for September, although we must say that this summer the industry content has been some of the best and our CMO Perspectives blog has been filled with insights and delights. This week is no different with pieces from Hootesuite, Smartfinds, Timothy Hughes, Bill Carmody, and AdAge to name a few. Also don’t miss our ‘Tweet of the Week’ from Glen Gilmore @GlenGilmore. Enjoy!
Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (16th August, 2016)

Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (16th August, 2016)

Who’s who and what’s what when it comes to being a CMO in the industry. This week in CMO Perspectives we share with you a piece from Jim Yu via Searchengineland.com on SEO and the CMO; Kimberly A. Whitler interviewing the great Margaret Molloy on the increasing influence of B2B marketers; Onalytica’s Joe fields compiled list of 100 top influencers and brands; Daniel Matthews writing for Jeffbullas.com on 5 ways to rock experiential marketing; Mikes Sands [Marketingland.com] with 3 trends customer-centric CMOs must prepare for now;

Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (10th August, 2016)

Much to contemplate in this week’s CMO Perspectives, including a piece from Steve Olenski writing for Jay Baer’s Convinceandconvert.com on 3 things CMOs must consider for CX; John Ellett for Fobes.com on why CMO turnover is at an all time high; Marketingprofs.com on prepping employees before they go on social media; ZDNet featuring a #CXOTalk with McKinsey partner David Edelman; The great Adrian Swinscoe questioning everything big data, AI, analytics, and automation; Finally, our Tweet of the Week from @dhinchcliffe with his list of top #Tech investments in the next 5 years. Enjoy!